速報APP / 房屋與房產 / Temperature 365

Temperature 365





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:TheSolutionPlant@gmail.com Bladgatan 931 58 Skelleftea SWEDEN

Temperature 365(圖1)-速報App

Temperature365 monitors temperatures from any device (inside or outside) and uploads them in the cloud for monitoring/analysis.

It pushes the current temperature to all registered receivers for real-time viewing on your phone

The app consists of two parts:

- Recorder:

An android service that uploads temperatures to the cloud. Can be run on any android phone (android 5.0, lollipop and above)

- Viewer:

An android widget views the current temperature in the widget. It uses push which means that no polling is needed and the latest measurement is viewable instantly

The temperature cloud data is accessible from https://temperature365.firebaseapp.com/ or by clicking on the widget.

From there you can see temperature history (as a graph)and download all temperatures into a csv (excel compatible) format

The normal first-time installation looks like this:


Install Temperature365 into any device.

Open Temperature365 app

Choose alias (e.g. "bedroom") in "General"

Check "SendTemperaureStatistics" checkbox in "Internet"


Choose a email and password and click "REGISTER"

Plug in the charger and place the phone where you want to measure

Temperature 365(圖2)-速報App

Enable WiFi or mobile data

Reboot the phone

Now you can login to https://temperature365.firebaseapp.com/ with your email and password selected in step 1.

2. INSTALL VIEWER (optional)

Install app into "your" device.

Add Temperature365 widget to your home screen

Click on the settings icon in the widget


Enter the email and password selected in step 1. and click "SIGN IN"

Select the alias you want to see the temperature for (e.g. "bedroom")

Click OK

Now you can see the current temperature on the phone configured in step 1. Click on the temperature to see history chart and more.

Nice to know:

- You can install as many recorders you like. For the next recorder you install choose the same email and password as in step 1. but normally choose "SIGN IN" instead of "REGISTER"

- You can have as many viewers (widgets) you like on the same phone (nice if you have several recorders)

- You can install viewers on as many phones you like and connect them to the same recorder (share the temperature recorders with friends and family)


If you don't have access to WiFi or mobile data you should give Cabin Watcher a try instead:

Temperature 365(圖3)-速報App


Temperature 365(圖4)-速報App